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Japanese-European De-Icing Aircraft Collaborative Exploration

European Union
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Total project cost
€1 812 757
EU Contribution
€1 330 898
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Vehicle design and manufacturing (VDM)
Transport mode
Airborne icon
Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Call for proposal
Link to CORDIS

JEDI ACE aims to provide an innovative concept of an integrated ice protection system: an integrated approach, consisting of combined passive anti-icing coating, active de-icing devices and ice sensors. The system will be applicable to aircraft wings and will support an important technological milestone: the composite wing concept, which today includes also morphing properties.

The JEDI ACE consortium, consisting of European and Japanese partners, determined three technical objectives for the integrated ice protection system:

  1. An active de-icing device based on electro-thermal and/or mechanical actuation, combined with supporting passive anti-icing coatings
  2. An ice sensor system for real-time measurements of ice accretion on aircraft structures,
  3. An integrated ice protection system with complementary components for excellent operation properties.

The work in JEDI ACE will result in validated design concepts and lab-scale prototypes for the future generation of integrated ice protection systems. The design will contribute to:

  1. Prevention of ice build-up on leading edges;
  2. Improved in-flight ice assessment;
  3. Improved aircraft safety;
  4. Reduced energy consumption during de-icing procedures;
  5. Reduced de-icing procedures on ground;
  6. Compliance with design constraints of composite wings including morphing properties;
  7. Compliance with bleed-air free engines and all-electric aircraft;
  8. Compliance with other surface and coating requirements like resistance against erosion.

The JEDI ACE consortium will develop evaluation devices for all determined objectives on the basis of newest scientific knowledge, combined with appropriate test sessions to validate the performance of the components and deliver the design concept of an integrated ice protection system. This ambitious goal will be achieved by combining the specific SoA competencies through close multinational collaboration.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
The European Commission
Type of funding
Public (EU)


High-tech ice protection systems

Ice during flight can adversely affect an aircraft's capability. An EU initiative is developing innovative technology to mitigate the dangers of icing.

There are a number of aviation incidents and accidents attributed to aircraft operating in icing conditions. The formation of ice on the surface of an aeroplane can result in diminished performance. It can also lead to a total loss of control and not enough lift to keep the aeroplane flying.

European and Japanese researchers are collaborating under the 'Japanese-European de-icing aircraft collaborative exploration' ( (JEDI ACE)) project to create a state-of-the-art solution that detects ice build-up, mitigates pilot error and reduces energy consumption. The project is funded by the EU and the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

The focus of JEDI ACE is on the development of an ice protection system that integrates anti-icing coatings and de-icing devices with ice sensors. The enhanced sensors will generate real-time data of ice growth on aircraft surfaces during flight. The system will be activated when ice forms.

During the first reporting period, the project team defined the requirements for the coatings, devices and sensors. These requirements will be used to elaborate an integrated design concept for the ice protection system. The development of combined de-icing devices and sensor prototypes has begun, and model anti-icing coatings have already been devised.

Project members created test devices to assess icing behaviours of developed anti-icing systems. Icing incidents and de-icing techniques were analysed to come up with de-icing strategies that will have the most potential.

JEDI ACE is introducing enabling technologies designed to keep ice from accumulating on aircraft surfaces while in flight. The project should reduce accident rates and make travellers feel more secure.


Lead Organisation
Frauenhofer Geselschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung E.v.
Hansastrasse 27C, 80686 MUNCHEN, Germany
Organisation website
EU Contribution
€703 026
Partner Organisations
Universitat Rovira I Virgili
Carrer De Escorxador, 43003 Tarragona, Spain
Organisation website
EU Contribution
€443 822
Kanagawa Institute Of Technology
Shimoogino 1030, Atsugi, 243 0292, Japan
EU Contribution
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Jindaiji Higashi Machi 7-44-1, Tokyo Chofu Shi, 182N/A8522, Japan
EU Contribution
Dassault Aviation
9, Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées - Marcel Dassault, 75008 PARIS, France
Organisation website
EU Contribution
€184 050
Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd
Nishishinjuku 1 7 2, Shinjuku Ku Tokyo, 160N/A8316, Japan
EU Contribution


Technology Theme
Aircraft design and manufacturing
Multifunctional layer with ice/fire protection and health monitoring
Development phase

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