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ETSI TC Inteligent Transport Systems (ITS) workshop

Event date
Sophia Antipolis


The mission of ETSI's Technical Committee on Intelligent Transport Systems (TC ITS) is the creation and maintenance of standards and specifications for the use of information and communications technologies in future transport systems in Europe. The ETSI TC ITS Workshop will provide a thorough overview of the ITS related standards published so far, as well as  including panel discussions on ongoing standardisation activities in TC ITS and presentations of the international standardisation activities on Cooperative Systems.  Various ways to deploy Cooperative Systems will be presented and discussed - including infrastructure based networks and applications as well as business models, with specific reference to the corresponding standardisation. In addition, experiences from research projects and field operational tests will be discussed within a global perspective. Finally, an analysis will be made of how the current expertise in Corporative Systems Standardisation could be used for other ITS domains such as train management systems, eCustoms, eFreight and the inclusion of pedestrians.