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Traffic Signal Control: Priority Treatment of On-street Transit (VSS1998/073)

Switzerland Flag
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Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
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Transport sectors
Passenger transport


Background & Policy context

The priority of public transport at traffic lights has to carry a great importance because of the ability of tram and bus stops, many people with few vehicles under traffic-directing measures. The privileging of public transport at traffic signals is therefore shortly when "benefit of traffic lights "(SN 640 833), at the "phase separation" at (SN 640 834) and the "estimating the efficiency of traffic signals" (SN 640 835) have been treated.  

The research will now go to the full privileges of public transport at traffic lights under traffic-directing measures:

  • The acquisition of public transport
  • The modifications of the signal times the arrival of public transport, with or without self-alignment
  • The influence of privilege on the waiting times for public transport
  • The influence of privilege on performance individual traffic
  • The influence of privilege on the coordination of traffic individual
  • A survey of people waiting for public transport, the traffic and the pedestrian individual stock of the exhaust emissions

The project has following objectives:

  • to develop and set the methods and benefits of privileged public transport at traffic signals
  • to provide a research report
  • to prepare a first draft standard

The basics of privileging of public transport signalling systems to light treats the research report in six working steps:

  • The detection of public transport at traffic signals
  • The species degree of preference can increase up to zero waiting times,
  • The sizing of Chen traffic factors, government public traffic serve the determination of withdrawal periods and storage of individual traffic in the privileging determining privilege.
  • The privileging of public transport, which the green times at the privileging of the public
  • In the waiting times for public transport
  • For the sizing of the green times when privileging


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Swiss Government: State Secretariat for Education and Research
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


Subject of the research report is the privileging of public transport at traffic lights.

The primary purpose of privileging of public transport are lower passenger waiting times at traffic lights for rarely and randomly arriving course vehicles with many passengers. The second need is to gain a high intermodal quality of traffic flow at traffic signals. The intermodal traffic quality - the quality of traffic flow for all road users both in private as in public transport - measured by the waiting times of all persons.

For the individual traffic the privileging of public transport means higher passenger waiting times in the numerous vehicles with few passengers. The optimum for the intermodal quality of traffic flow resulting plays at minimum the passenger waiting times of all road users. Exceeds the benefit from the privileges of public transport, the disadvantages for private transport, then on the whole, better governed.

The benefits of the privilege of public transportation for the intermodal quality of traffic flow at traffic signals are treated in the research report as follows: if public transport carries more people than the individual traffic, then increase of the public transport priority brings higher quality of intermodal traffic. When the public transport carries fewer people than the individual traffic, then the intermodal quality of traffic flow with priority is only slightly lower than non-priority.

However, this applies only to certain degrees of privileged treatment of public transport and under the boundary condition. If this constraint is not met on routes and networks, then constraints of road space, traffic and control are to be considered, or the constraints are set aside by:

  • Taking into account the critical congestion in the intermodal balance
  • Farming of critical congestion
  • Breaking a large-scale coordination of traffic signals and arranging small-scale control areas


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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