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Innovative vehicles for different transport modes

Programme Type
Funding programme
National (Sweden)
Sweden Flag
STRIA Roadmaps
Vehicle design and manufacturing (VDM)


Background & Policy context

Swedish manufacturers of vehicles export the majority of their products and sell them on a global market which has significant future growth potential. The export markets for road vehicles are likely to expand considerably, for example in Asia. The public sector has invested billions in the railway and shipping sectors in the EU and in Sweden. In addition, rapid generic growth in air transport and new IT systems solutions are both responsible for the development of significant growth potential.

The trend towards the global ownership of companies is opening up new opportunities for rapid growth, whilst at the same time increasing the risks for companies which do not manage to fulfil their potential. The factors of overall importance include access to skills and R&D environments, together with long-term investment and networks. One of VINNOVA's objectives is to encourage companies doing business in Sweden to invest in centralised R&D facilities in combination with Swedish innovation environments, and to ensure that other actors restructure their organisations in connection with the innovation environments which are being developed.

Strategic Objectives

The objective of VINNOVA's initiatives is to develop technically advanced research and innovation environments in the long term and in cooperation with the other actors involved. The focus is on technologies for environmentally friendly, safe vehicles of all modes.

Advanced design and functionality in vehicles will allow effective interaction between different forms of transport and with the transport infrastructure. IT-based systems solutions are being developed to further enhance this interaction. The aim is to promote effective cooperation between manufacturers, researchers and the general public in order to identify solutions for a wide range of traffic problems. Demonstrators are important tools in the process of finding the best possible solutions in terms of technology, regulations and the funding of future transport systems.

Programme organisation

VINNOVA, Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, integrates research and development in technology, transport and working life. VINNOVA's mission is to promote sustainable growth by financing RTD and developing effective innovation systems.


Institution Type
Institution Name
VINNOVA - Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Programme funding arrangements and funding conditions

See main programme profile for VINNOVA Transport

Participating countries

Projects covered

1 projects have benn covered so far:


Mr Carl Naumburg
VINNOVA, Swedish Agency for Innovations Systems
SE-101 58
Organisation Website

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