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The Way Ahead Towards a Greener, Safer and Smarter Road Transport System: Research and Innovation Strategy

Programme Type
Funding programme
National (Sweden)
Sweden Flag
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)


Background & Policy context

Mobility is important for welfare. Therefore, the community must be able to provide its citizens and the commercial sector with a safe, efficient and reliable transport system. This system must be accessible to everyone under the same conditions, and must contribute towards countrywide employment and growth.

In the future greenhouse gas emission and global warming will be key issues for society, and thus for the Swedish Road Administration (SRA) as well. In this context we have an obligation to contribute towards a community with efficient transport, energy-efficient vehicles that use sustainable fuels, improved public transport, and energy-efficient freight transport.

Investment in improved road safety will continue, with the aim of Sweden retaining its world leadership position in this area. A guideline here is a systematic view that entails good interaction between the components of roads, vehicles and road users, and these being well adapted to one another.

Resources for expanding the road network are limited. Therefore, alternative financial solutions must be sought that give the option of carrying out new and important ventures at a faster rate. In addition, the SRA must continue to improve and streamline road maintenance to make it more energy efficient and cost effective. Included in this is to aim to strengthen collaboration with suppliers to encourage competition and a climate of innovation.

The SRA aims to focus on client and community benefits regarding research and innovation in future, as we see this as an efficient way of achieving fruitful collaboration across national and operations boundaries. We consider this view of research and innovation necessary for finding and introducing new solutions for bringing about the desired change in the road transport system. 

Strategic Objectives

The SRA has a number of mission statements and catchwords that lend support to its common approach to and common interpretation of its vision and goals. Key catchwords describing the SRA’s work are customer focus, overall perspective and efficiency.

In this research and innovation strategy the SRA presents its plan for renewing and changing the road transport system efficiently and from an overall perspective so the it can be even more environmentally friendly (greener), provide better road safety (safer), and be more accessible and navigable (smarter).

As far as accessibility and navigability (mobility) are concerned, the Four-stage Principle will be used for all planning, both at an overall level and regarding individual measures carried out in the road transport system. This involves the following: firstly, considered and tested measures that influence transport needs and choices; secondly, measures that allow more efficient use of the existing road network; thirdly, improved measures; and in fourth place, new ventures. By implementing this strategy the design of the road transport system will become “smarter”.

According to the Government Bill Moderna transporter (Modern Transport): “The overall transport policy goals is to safeguard the provision of socio-economically efficient and sustainable transport for citizens and the business community throughout the entire country”.

Programme organisation

Development operations undertaken by the SRA begin with challenges at a strategic level. For each challenge the investment areas are indicated for the period 2008-2010.

Work in the investment areas is carried out in the form of various projects. These may constitute research, development, demonstration or addressing new solutions, as well as combinations of these activities.

  1. A community with efficient and accessible transport;
  2. Improved mobility for commuter and goods transport;
  3. Attractive build-up areas and cities with improved transport systems;
  4. Sensible use of the transport system;
  5. A sound and viable transport industry;
  6. Safe and energy-efficient vehicle with sustainable fuels;
  7. Simple and clearer for the client;
  8. Efficient road maintenance;
  9. An attractive and capable road administration as part of an attractive transport sector;
  10. A modern and efficient road administration in a changing world.


Institution Type
Institution Name
Vägverket (Swedish Road Administration)
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Participating countries

Projects covered

No projects covered for this programme.


Mr. Hans Ingvarsson
Vägverket (Swedish Road Administration)
781 87

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