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Analysis and development of road drainage systems for different geological environments in Ireland

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STRIA Roadmaps
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Environmental/Emissions aspects


Background & Policy context

The construction and operational phases of national road schemes have the potential to impact on the surface and groundwater quality and quantity if sufficient protection is not provided. This is of particular importance in vulnerable areas such as karstified limestone, where the bedrock aquifer is more susceptible to pollutants as pathways are exposed on the surface. This research project consists of a review of the different geological conditions encountered in Ireland, an evaluation of the performance of different road drainage systems, and the development of design guidelines for different drainage systems suitable for the different geological, hydrogeological and hydrological situations in Ireland.


The objectives of this research include:

  • Review the different geological conditions encountered in Ireland
  • Evaluate the current road drainage design systems in use in national road schemes
  • Develop design guidelines for the different drainage systems that can be used in Irish road schemes

The project will examine the different drainage options available including kerb and gully, French drains and a variety of different vegetated systems (SuDS) such as swales and constructed wetlands.


Funding Source
National Roads Authority


Outcomes of the research included the development of guidelines for the design of effective road drainage systems.  This includes an evaluation of different options available and a process to select the most appropriate system for the particular site conditions. 


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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