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Conceptual plan of rail traffic management on tracks owned by the state - Czech Republic

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Geo-spatial type
Network corridors
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Rail icon
Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport



The project has the following objectives:

  1. To show differences, including terminological ones, between the remote control of railway traffic and remote controlled interlocking plant of railway traffic.
  2. To determine the basic operating concept of technology in the context of railway operations.
  3. To gradually implement regional dispatching centers (RDP) and to link the central dispatcher center (CDP) in Prague and Přerov.
  4. To examine the necessity of two CDP´s.
  5. To show fundamental differences between the remote control operation in the railway section and railway junction.
  6. To determine the concept for the management of RDP and CDP in relation to railway nodes and their technology work.
  7. To demonstrate clear links among aspects in the subsequent economic and financial decisions, i.e. meaningful and transparent use of embedded state capital and operating funds.
  8. To contribute to a specific increase in traffic safety, particularly in relation to the European railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS) in providing technical and operational connectivity (interoperability) of the European rail system at the control rail traffic, especially at higher operating speeds of trains.
  9. To demonstrate the need for coordinating the implementation of workplace TOP management, particularly in cases of operational management of accidents and exceptionality in relation to the IRS state.
  10. To demonstrate operational necessity, but also completely systematic and predictable control rail traffic through well-defined procedures within each sub-activity.
  11. To demonstrate the need for reciprocal links dispatching sites management infrastructure, service centers, freight forwarders, integrated transport system and logistics.
  12. To demonstrate the need for a training center with appropriate technology designed for such rail traffic management in the Czech Republic in relation to the European railway system.

Simulation workplace for neuropsychological testing load dispatching system for railway traffic control allows the user to simulate the railway traffic control service through electronic interlocking (interlocking Category 3), including considered failures and emergency situations without negative impacts on the actual operation. The TRL are established of two working controllers from which you can operate the alarm device controlled areas; indicators and controls are based on the principle of a single operator workstation, used in a real operation. Part of the transport laboratory is a workplace trainer; using the diagnostic application allows the user to simulate failures and emergency situations in a controlled area and also via telephone connection an interface controller with a simulated external environment. The simulator uses a physical model train with real data, simulated train ride thus captures the real railway traffic control. The energy and the deviation from the planned timetable is calculated for each train. Information System records the traffic management using actual train traffic and thus allows to monitor and evaluate the activities of dispatchers.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Research agency
Institution Name
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Funding Source
Technology agency of the Czech Republic


  • The main output of the project is a conceptual plan how to control rail traffic on railway lines owned by the state - the Czech Republic. It was shown that the railway network in the Czech Republic is currently managed by using several approaches to the traffic management. The oldest way is the classic traffic management going through dispatchers in different operation points distributed on the railway network along with the dispatching apparatus that provides a higher level of management within the region. In recent years the number of tracks with segmental or remote control of railway traffic has been increasing, which is determined by linking the operational functions of the dispatcher, dispatchers in control operation and the introduction of a suitable method of operating a security device. Use of modern technical means, however, does not reduce demand on staff controlling traffic, on the contrary, it requires a highly skilled approach and puts certain assumptions for the profession qualification. A method of managing a larger track section must also strictly comply with local conditions. The question of the suitability of remote management remains railway junctions and stations operating with a large volume of work.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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