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A Direct Marketing Programme for Public Transport

European Union
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Project website
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
Transport mode
Multimodal icon
Transport policies
Environmental/Emissions aspects
Transport sectors
Passenger transport


Background & Policy context

The AD PERSONAM Project promoted local public transport in European medium sized cities. 75% of the kilometers travelled in urban European areas is dominated by cars, while around 40% of the EU's population lives in such areas. Because of the prevelance of car transport European cities have some common transport problems that needs to be dealt with, such as traffic congestion and pollution. The AD PERSONAM Project worked with helping solving these common problems.


The AD PERSONAM Project aimed to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • to enlarge the market share of LPT in medium-sized European cities, currently quite weak in comparison with the wide use of private car;
  • to increase the number of citizens using LPT for their home-to-work travels in medium-sized European cities;
  • to reduce the use of cars/mopeds for home-to-work travels;
  • to assess the sustainability and effectiveness of the Direct Marketing Programme; 
  • to define a picture of potential user types of LPT;
  • to increase citizens' information/knowledge on LPT services;
  • to disseminate the Direct Marketing Programme concept and best practices in Europe beyond the 7 pilot cities involved in the project;
  • to promote the individual use of Travel Planners as an important information tool on LPT.

The AD PERSONAM Project took the following steps to acheive its objectives;

  • It developed an advertising campaign;
  • It made a questionnaire and sent outa first dispatch of letters;
  • It developed a database;
  • It made an analysis of the home-to-work travel of all the participating citizens;
  • It made a selection of at least a 1000 citizens;
  • It produced personalized travel plans for these citizens;
  • It provided LPT cards/tickets free of charge to the participants;
  • It sent out a second dispatch of letters;
  • It launched a promotional week;
  • It conducted an ex-post motivational quantitative telephone survey, and;
  • It sent out final thank you letters to the participants of the project.


Parent Programmes
Type of funding
Public (EU)


The key results of the AD PERSONAM Project were:

  • 2 671 target group citizens took part in the Promotional Week and 838 became new PT users.
  • Many new cities and companies signed up for the project after its intial start.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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