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Women’s opinions, attitudes and concerns about automated vehicles

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STRIA Roadmaps
Connected and automated transport (CAT)
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Road icon

Automated Vehicles are expected to transform the transport sector by contributing to reduce transport externalities and improving the mobility of people, which may depend on several influencing factors to their acceptance. Gender differences exist with regard to transport and mobility patterns, also when considering opinions, attitudes and concerns about Automated Vehicles. Despite women being half of the world population, their views on their current and future mobility are still under investigation and little research has been conducted regarding their opinions towards Automated Vehicles. This research aims at shedding light on European women current mobility and if and how Automated Vehicles could fit into mobility needs and habits, arguing as well about possible mobility improvement as well as problems associated with such vehicles. It identifies key issues based on relevant existing literature and presents the results of Focus Group discussions, surveys and citizen engagement activities conducted by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, the German Aerospace Center and the University of Cantabria. It concludes by providing policy insight on the topic and indicating future research areas of investigation.