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18th International Symposium on Transport Economics and Policy

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Organised every three years by the Joint Transport Research Centre of the OECD and the International Transport Forum, the Symposium aims to stimulate thinking on transport economics of direct relevance to transport policymaking. It brings together researchers from universities, research institutes, government, consultancy, transport operators, and organisations representing transport industries and transport users. The press is also invited to the Symposium, which attracts over 300 participants from around the world.

The Madrid Symposium will focus on the development of interurban passenger transport, and will open with a keynote address from one of the world’s most influential thinkers on economic geography, Professor Jacques-François Thisse. It will be organised around a series of debates on presentations from leading transport economists on the following themes: future trends in inter-urban passenger transport, adapting networks to the passenger transport market: long-term planning and assessment, competition and regulation of interurban travel, transport system interactions and innovation, and sustainable interurban mobility.