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6th EASN International Conference on Innovation in European Aeronautics Research

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The European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) is the Association of the European Academia active in Aeronautics Research. Through its currently registered members, EASN connects more than 10.000 Academics and Researchers throughout Europe. The Conference is the EASN’s annual forum where the Aeronautics Academia and Industry meet and present the sector’s latest advancements, innovations and researches. The 6th EASN International Conference will, for first time, take place in Portugal co-organised with the Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (INEGI). It will serve as a major dissemination event where the latest achievements from running or recently completed European and International research activities, in Aeronautics and Air Transport, will be presented in dedicated thematic sessions.


The 2016 EASN Conference will be a flagship event in dissemination of aeronautics research activities and our goal is to share high quality, current achievements and new upstream research ideas.


The Conference is addressed to the entire Aeronautics community, including Industrial and Research Organisations, SMEs and Academia. It is intended to cover all topics in Aeronautics and Air Transport, including: Flight Physics, Aerostructures, Propulsion, Flight Mechanics, Integrated Design & Validation, Air Traffic Management, Airports, Human Factors, Innovative Concepts and Scenarios, Aircraft Avionics, Systems & Equipment. Researchers with a keen interest in those fields will have an excellent opportunity for discussing, networking and creating synergies for future collaborations. The EASN events provide an opportunity for researchers to present their point of view, regarding specific research fields in Aeronautics and Air Transport, to a relative pan-European audience. The structure of the 2016 Conference will emphasise into the enhancement of synergies between researchers through interactive sessions, therefore the Conference is designed to engage participants to be a part of a discussion rather than passive listeners.


The conference will include Plenary Sessions by renowned speakers and Open Discussions with distinguished researchers from the industry and academia. It will also include Thematic Sessions housing the majority of current European aeronautics research programs and Technical Workshops where evolving ideas, technologies, products, services and processes will be discussed. In this respect, the Conference is expected to foster the cooperation and interaction between its participants on a multidisciplinary basis serving as a meeting for exchanging novel and innovative ideas for future research.


More information about the Conference will be posted on a regular basis on the EASN website as well as on the 6th EASN International Conference minisite.