Please note that the event originally scheduled to take place on 8-9 July 2020 has been postponed to 20-21 July 2021 due to COVID-19. Please visit the website for the latest information.
Cycle County Active County 2020 will show how local authorities, practitioners and communities are making the most of significant new opportunities for closer collaboration between transport planning, health and urban development initiatives. For 2020, there will be a particular focus on cross-sector working because it is recognised that a collaborative approach to meeting sustainable mobility needs is necessary. Some of the topics addressed during the conference will be:
- A focus on walking, walking indicators and walking infrastructure
- Understanding walking and cycling culture in the city
- How public transport is supporting active travel
- Designing, funding and embedding behaviour change schemes
- Research into practice: collaboration with academia
The 2020 programme will include the latest thinking, case studies, the Department for Transport workshops and an exhibition.
For more information, please visit their website.
For registration, please follow this link.