The second edition of EU Rail Policy is dedicated to a comprehensive debate on the new EU rail package. In March 2011 the European Commission announced its intention to propose a Rail Package 2012/2013 The new package is expected to take up a number of highly important issues supporting the necessary expansion of the European rail network. These include unbundling, corridor entities and proposals for stronger EU-level coordination of regulatory bodies. In reaction to these developments, we will prepare a conference schedule based on the following themes:
Conference themes
Content of the new package
Vertical separation – what is the most efficient approach?
How best to introduce competition into the passenger market?
How to ensure effective regulation?
As a one-day podium EU Rail Policy Conference 2012 will offer focussed presentations by policy experts from science, industry and the Commission on the impact of EU rail regulations. Central to the programme is a round table debate with selected decisions-makers as well as open floor Q&A in each session. Throughout the programme we will provide opportunities for stakeholders to network with industry professionals.
Please find more information and the conference programme on www.railpolicy.eu