This one-day conference will present the outcomes of the Freightvision 'Freight Transport Foresight 2050' project. This project, funded under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for research, has produced a vision and action plan for a future sustainable European long-distance freight transport system, which has been developed in association with a wide range of stakeholders over the course of four interactive forums.
The vision covers the four main aspects within the scope of the project - greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuel use, accidents and congestion - up to the year 2050. The action plan provides research and development (R&D) and transport policy recommendations on how the vision can be reached with 32 selected measures.
Interested stakeholders include logistics and freight transport operators, infrastructure operators (road, rail, waterway, ports), EU institutions, national ministries, regional authorities, agencies, associations or interest groups relating to freight transport, energy use, environmental aspects, infrastructure, etc.