ICAO's Global Aviation Partnerships on Emissions Reductions (E-GAP): Multiplying Environmental Action Seminar. This seminar will provide a forum to showcase the synergetic effects of ICAO`s ongoing partnerships with governments and other organizations for actions to reduce emissions from international aviation. Such synergetic effects include the results achieved through high-level engagement of Member States, in cooperation with other stakeholders, under the ICAO State Action Plans capacity building and assistance strategy.
Such partnerships are multiplying environmental action by stakeholders, encouraging resource mobilization, and facilitating further cooperation in new areas. The Seminar will address current and foreseen action in the areas of:
Aircraft technology and research programmes;
Recycling of aircraft;
Next generation air navigation and green operations;
Sustainable alternative fuels and renewable energy;
Financing for aviation environmental activities; and
Carbon markets.
The E-GAP Seminar is also to benefit from the opportunity offered by the attendance of a wide variety of stakeholders to foster new initiatives and partnerships for action. All the initiatives will be presented to the UNFCCC COP21 later in 2015.