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Urban Transport Roadmaps tool for sustainable cities: Training Webinar

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Online Webinar


Ricardo Energy & Environment is pleased to announce a series of training webinars for its recently launched Urban Transport Roadmaps web-tool. These free webinars explain how to use the open access programme that supports European cities to perform detailed sustainable transport policy assessment and modelling.


Developed on behalf of the European Commission Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG Move) the Urban Transport Roadmaps tool supports small and medium sized cities in Europe to investigate and develop cost effective transport policy packages that will reduce GHG emissions, air pollution and support the reduction of road casualties. The online tool allows users to create simple transport models to replicate their city, customise it for the local circumstances and assess the impact of a range of transport policy measures on the cities’ transport system, environment and economy.


To find out more about the Urban Roadmaps Tool and using the system to investigate sustainable policies for your city visit


The training webinars will be held in French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish, and on the 1st June we will be hosting the English webinar. To register for this event or for one of our other webinars dates please visit the website