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Improving public understanding of EU transport research


For three days in Paris, visitors to the ‘European City of Science’ exhibition were able to learn about the work of research scientists around Europe. Among the highlights was the work of five groundbreaking EU-funded road transport research projects, aimed at making life on Europe’s roads easier and safer.
‘CERTAIN’, ‘HEAVYROUTE’, ‘ARCHES’, ‘SPENS’ and ‘TYROSAFE’ were presented at the ‘European City of Science’ exhibition by the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL), as part of the organisation’s outreach programme to communicate how European research is improving road transport.
About 42,600 people visited the exhibition, held at Paris’ Grand Palais from 14-16 November 2008. Research organisations, universities, businesses and other associations demonstrated how their scientific innovations would affect the lives of everyday citizens as well as businesses.
In an opening speech, Janez Potocnik, the European Commissioner responsible for Science and Research, emphasised the integral role of science in society. “New knowledge helps create innovation and it is only innovation that can create new jobs and new wealth,” he said.