The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) brings together cities, industry and citizens to improve urban life through market rollout of sustainable, replicable, integrated innovative solutions, focussing on intersection of Energy, ICT and Transport. Further information can be found at (see also, the EIP has launched an Invitation for Commitment (deadline 15/06/2014) to kick-start building a vibrant market-place for Smart City action in the EU. It invites interested parties to join the EIP by stepping forward and supporting its objectives in any of the eleven focus areas. A commitment is an intention to provide a measurable and concrete engagement in support of one or more focus areas over the next year or a longer period of time, linking energy, transport and ICT in the urban context.
Submitting a commitment offers several opportunities for learning, partnering, efficiency gains and new creation of new business:• promote your actions on a European scale • engage with others to get new ideas and feedback on your actions• learn from others and exchanges best practices• partner with others to jointly shape new or existing projects, create cost savings and attract new private-sector funding
Successful applicants will be invited to become part of working groups, called ’Action Clusters’ as of autumn 2014, so to facilitate close operational cooperation and exchange - across sectors and between the supply and demand sides – to kick-start new projects, facilitate finance and stimulate a broader market response.
More information is available on the EC’s website.