The Energy & Transport Programme was established after a decision by the Nordic Prime Ministers in 2009, and is a unique initiative combining the sectors of transportation and energy.
The Energy & Transport Programme has funded projects that contribute to the strengthening of the Nordic region’s position in the development, testing and use of electric transport solutions. This objective is directly aimed at contributing to the achievement of the Nordic Prime Minister’s vision of the Nordic region as the 'Green Valley of Europe' – a global testing ground for sustainable transport solutions.
The Nordic region has a history of successful cross-border cooperation in the energy sector. The well-functioning Nordic electricity market and a long-standing history of working together in energy research are prime examples. Knowledge, networks, communication channels and routines therefore already exist and will reduce the time spent and increase the quality. This represents a major comparative advantage that this programme seeks to build on.
There are two calls under this Programme: Electric Transportation and Sustainable Freight Transportation.
Overall the Programme's objectives are as follows:
- Identify and fund projects that contribute to the Nordic region strengthening its position in the development, testing and use of sustainable transport solutions;
- Contribute to the achievement of the Nordic Prime Ministers' vision of the Nordic region as the 'Green Valley of Europe' - a global testing ground for sustainable transport solutions.
The Energy & Transport Programme is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, and steered by a Board representing the national energy and transport authorities of the Nordic countries. The Chairman of the Board for 2012 is Eva Solvi, Director of Transnova in Norway. The programme is operated by Nordic Energy Research in collaboration with Nordic Innovation.