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Freight Transport and Logistics

Programme Type
Funding programme
National (Norway)
Norway Flag
STRIA Roadmaps


Background & Policy context

The transport research carried out by NPRA and other Norwegian R&D funds has mainly been carried out on passenger transport. Research on freight transport has so far been insufficient. The growth in freight transport on the roads has been considerable for several decades, but from 1995 there was a shift towards an even higher growth rate in all transport modes including road, due to rapid changes in logistics. There are also increasing complaints from shippers and drivers about poor loading facilities and congestion in city centres, leading to ineffective goods distribution. New knowledge and demand for better environment and safety standards also support the need for research on freight transport and logistics.

Strategic Objectives

More efficient logistics and reduced environmental impact from freight transport are long-term goals. The objective of the sub-programme Freight Transport and Logistics is to increase knowledge and expertise about freight transport in the Public Road Administration and local authorities.

Programme organisation

To achieve the objectives, knowledge has to be distributed to stakeholders, industry and authorities. Dissemination is therefore prioritised in the programme. Seminars, conferences, study tours, internet pages and other activities to increase expertise are included. The objective to increase knowledge and expertise includes distribution of lessons learned, not only from the programme itself, but also from related research.

The programme is organised thematically:

  • improve freight databases, models and other planning tools
  • study long-haul transport and its logistics
  • study the distribution of goods in cities



Institution Type
Institution Name
Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)
Programme funding arrangements and funding conditions

The projects are generated

(a) Applications from researchers responding on announcement for the programme (11 projects)

(b) The programme contributes financially through partnership in larger projects mainly financed by the Norwegian Research Council or EU (11 projects)

(c) Projects defined by the programme’s project group (7 projects)

Participating countries

Projects covered

No projects covered for this programme.


Ms Toril Presttun
Statens Vegvesen (Norwegian Public Roads Administration)

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