The Research and Innovation Directorate (DRI) of the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transports and Housing is responsible for the ISIDORE Database. The aim of the DRI is to provide the insight necessary for the long term orientation of research and innovation on scientific and technical issues concerning transport and urban planning, these include construction, housing, civil engineering, the environment (biodiversity, risks and health, earth observation).
The objective of ISIDORE is to provide access to the research reports of the Ministry, publications by the DRI, research reports financed within the research programmes for instance, PREDIT, RGC&U). Available publications focus on transport, urban planning, civil engineering and other topics. The following transport themes are covered:
- Transport planning
- Traffic, road safety
- Freight
- Green transport and all other aspects of land transport.
Database search and access capabilities:
- Free text (keyword)
- Subject
- Name of report author
- Name of organisation responsible for the report
- Geographical search (study relevant to a particular town, city or region)
- Title of report
- Client organisation (PREDIT programme, etc)
- Year(s) of publication.
Results of searches give a list of publications/projects. For each one, an abstract appears (in French) giving a brief overview of the study, and the final report (or other documents where appropriate) are freely downloadable in pdf format.The database is open-access and free to use.