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Swiss competence Center for Energy Research in Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility

Programme Type
Funding programme
National (Switzerland)
Switzerland Flag
STRIA Roadmaps
Smart mobility and services (SMO)


Background & Policy context

The Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research – Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility (SCCER Mobility) aims at developing the knowledge and technologies essential for the transition of the current fossil fuel based transportation system to a more sustainable one, featuring minimal CO2 output and primary energy demand as well as virtually zero-pollutant emissions.

The Competence Center includes five Capacity Areas covering two innovation fields. Innovation field A deals with components and devices for e-mobility (Capacity Area A1), fuel cell technology and internal combustion engines (Capacity Area A2), lightweight structural components and improved thermal management of vehicles (Capacity Area A3). Innovation field B addresses mobility systems with special focus on infrastructure integration, improved train operation, urban planning, monitoring and user communication (Capacity Area B1), as well as integrated assessment of mobility systems (Capacity Area B2).

Strategic Objectives

Promote coordinated research between Swiss researches institutions and industry towards technological solutions needed to achieve the challenging CO2 reduction goals of the Swiss government.

Joint projects with industry, networking activities between institutions, development of joint goals towards solutions. foster interdisciplinarity.

Programme organisation

Programme Partners:

Electrochemistry Laboratory, ECL (PSI)

Combustion Research Laboratory, CRL (PSI)

Institute of Computational Physics, ICP (ZHAW)

Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory, ICEL (EMPA)

Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, IDSC (ETHZ)

Aerothermochemistry and Combustion Systems Laboratory, LAV (ETHZ)

Institut für Kunststofftechnik, IKT (FHNW)

Laboratory of Composite Materials and Adaptive Structures, IDMS-CMAS (ETHZ)

Laboratory of Polymer and Composite Technology, LTC (EPFL)

Laboratory for Complex Materials, CML (ETHZ)

Institut für Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, IfU-ESD (ETHZ)

Institut für Kartografie und Geoinformation, IKG (ETHZ)

Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme, IVT(ETHZ)

Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme, IVT(ETHZ)

Architektur, Holz und Bau, AHB (BFH)

Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis, LEA (PSI)

Istituto sostenibilità applicata all'ambiente costruito, ISAAC (SUPSI)

Institut für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, INE (ZHAW)


Institution Type
Institution Name
Swiss Competence Center for Energy Reseach

Projects covered

No projects covered for this programme.


Dr.Gloria Romera Guereca
Organisation Website
Programme Website

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