The objective of this project is to develop materials and processes for use in laser additive layer manufacture, which are capable of meeting the stated requirement for advanced, high temperature nickel superalloys (with high levels of gamma prime forming elements) for use in novel combustion components for lean burn engine developments.
The participants will review the current state of the art and determine a shortlist of three potential alloys for development. In collaboration with the Topic Manager, one alloy will be selected for development. A representative application for the selected alloy will be defined and appropriate specifications determined for geometrical accuracy, surface finish and materials properties.
The first phase of experimental work will develop an 'Additive Layer Manufacturing' process, optimised for the properties determined above. In a second phase, this 'best known' method of manufacture will be used to manufacture multiple batches of part geometries and test specimens in order to provide sufficient statistical confidence in the data to allow use of this process for the manufacture of parts for use in an engine-realistic environment.
Executive Summary:
Laser additive layer manufacturing (L-ALM) is of increasing interest as a method of manufacture for aero-engine components. The ability of the technology to manufacture complex parts in advanced nickel super-alloys makes it particularly suited to combustion components. However the operating temperature range of alloys which can currently be processed is insufficient for the future needs of the aero-engine manufacturers, taking account of environmental objectives to reduce emissions and fuel consumption. The required higher operating temperatures can potentially be met by alloys containing increased fractions of the ‘gamma prime’ phase, however these are currently very difficult or impossible to successfully process using L-ALM.
Within this project a new nickel super-alloy has been developed, which is optimised for manufacture by L-ALM. The alloy can be readily and economically processed to build defect-free parts of high complexity. Materials properties would allow use of this alloy at significantly higher operating temperatures than currently available ‘easy to process’ alloys such as In718, without the processing cost and complexity associated with existing high gamma prime alloys such as CM247.
Build process parameters and heat treatments have been developed for the alloy which optimise the key materials properties required for the envisaged end use in aero-engine combustion components. Defect free representative components have been manufactured.
Materials property data has been generated which is sufficient for use of this alloy in an engine-realistic environment (i.e. engine test rigs & test engines).
More generally we have demonstrated the principle that such alloys can be developed and optimised for this manufacturing method and that materials properties can be improved thereby. This result is of great benefit to the participants, to the Topic Manager and to the wider European aerospace community.
The manufacture of three dimensional parts using many two dimensional layers stacked up to offer reduced manufacturing costs and increased flexibility.