Combined and integrated transportation systems is an integral part of optimal economical approach to the problems of transportation infrastructure, i.e., an effective split of the transported people and goods among the individual means of transport considering their advantages, and aiming at the highest possible productivity and economy.
The aim of this research project is to calculate algorithms of the analytical instruments of economic risk (programme solution of risk curves of transportation projects as a foundation for economic risk quantification), broadening the pool of knowledge concerning the construction of subjective probability in quantifying economic risk of projects (analysis of the methodology of subjective probability sharing construction for an individual decision maker or a group of decision makers; launching the creation of a dialogic computing programme for the rank quantification method), harmonizing exacting methods and model tools with the knowledge and experience of researchers.
The project has following results:
- economic effectiveness of transportation investments - ways and means of funding the development and operation of transportation networks
- modelling of the economic prerequisites for the development of infrastructure, as well as transportation network operation
- research of financial methods, economic analysis within the EU, and estimation of their applicability
- working out of the methodology and algorithmic calculation of the financial part of the feasibility study; quantification of economic risks of transportation projects