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Assessing and Developing Initiatives of Companies to control and reduce Commuter Traffic

Belgium icon
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Geo-spatial type
Network corridors
Project website
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Smart mobility and services (SMO)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues
Transport sectors
Passenger transport


Background & Policy context

In Belgium, as in many other developed countries, car traffic has steadily increased in recent decades. Volumes of traffic have become too high for the road capacity, especially under specific circumstances such as the weekday peak hours. This congestion problem threatens the economic competitiveness of countries.


The ADICCT project (Assessing and Developing Initiatives of Companies to control and reduce Commuter Traffic) studies the role of Belgian companies in mobility management. Its objective is to improve public and private decision making and guide investments in employer-based commuter transport schemes. To achieve this objective, the project aims to determine which mobility measures and which companies’ characteristics make commuter choice programs successful in reducing (and/or controlling) commuter car traffic.


The project was spread across four years and was split into two phases. The first phase started in February 2007 and ended in January 2009. The second phase ended on July 31 2011. The research was divided into four work packages


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (Politique scientifique fédérale  / Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid)
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


Companies in Belgium have at their disposal a range of mobility measures to perform mobility management.
However, different statistical analyses, such as an exploratory factor analysis or a correspondence analysis, performed in this research project have indicated that employers tend to implement a set of similar mobility measures. In addition, a pronounced link between, on the one hand, the mobility management measures taken and, on the other hand, accessibility remarks and problems is absent. Nevertheless, it is those companies confronted with accessibility and mobility problems which are the first to invest in mobility management (Rye, 1999a). The contribution of the ADICCT project in a context of scientific support to a sustainable development policy is twofold.
First, the project recommends some policies and measures in order to reduce the travel demand, by studying the initiatives of the companies to improve the sustainability of the home- to- work travels of the workers.

The second contribution of the project is the deliverance of evidences showing that the companies can influence the modal choice of their workers. 

The ADICCT- project proves an added value to the INTERACT cluster project, also issued within the framework of “Science for Sustainable Development” (SSD). The latter research compares and deepens the acquired knowledge on sustainable development that is gained through several projects, one of them being ADICCT. The INTERACT project tries to take into account in a balanced way, the social, economic and environmental aspects in order to support a policy aimed at sustainable development.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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