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Concerted Action for Research on Demand Management in Europe: work of CARDME team in support to cross-border interoperability of electronic fee collection systems

European Union
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Network corridors
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues,
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

This project represents the work of the CARDME team in support to cross-border interoperability of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) systems.

The intention is to reach agreement with the Member States on a set of claimed characteristics, which could form the basis for a future standard. Continuation of the work to determine the possibility of the use of credit cards via the communication link and the introduction of a European electronic purse suitable for ETC applications is foreseen.

In this phase of the project the requirement for more extensive dissemination of information on interoperability particularly to those countries which have limited experience of ETC systems or who are not represented at the Steering Committee meetings will be addressed.


CARDME-3 developed the specification of a Common Payment Service which can be deployed without delay in countries which have suitable administrative structures. A number of issues concerned with interoperable system implementation need to be addressed in countries which do not yet have tolling, and in a future contract the existing CARDME organisational structures may have to be adapted to suit the national structures.

  • Task 1 is concerned with building consensus at the operator and Member State level on the data required for the CARDME transaction and preparing an agreed set of claimed characteristics.
  • Task 2 will ensure that the CARDME concepts are disseminated to a wider audience making use of a web page and providing essential information in several languages.
  • Task 3 continues the process of investigation in areas where there are still technological problems such as the use of interoperable electronic purses.

The project is developed by means of three Work Packages (WP).

WP1: CARDME common payment application

oncentrating on the building of consensus between operators on their requirements in matters such as data for vehicle classification. The transaction which was developed in the previous phase of the work and is now agreed in principle between CARDME and A1 must be refined in consultation with the operators and member states especially in co-operation with MANS and CESARE. It should be included in the final designs of the project DELTA. Agreement on a set of claimed vehicle characteristics is now an essential next stage with the possibility of a proposal for a standard.

WP2: Exploitation and Dissemination

There is growing interest in the results of CARDME. This task will ensure that the CARDME proposals, which have already been published, are widely disseminated in the European Community. It will promote discussion and facilitate the consensus process across related fields introducing new information as it becomes available from a number of sources and including summaries in several languages.

WP3: Technology developments

Main topics to be discussed will concern work with financial institutions on future use of credit cards over the dedicated short range communications (DSRC) link and the possibility of a European electronic purse. However, the team will manage to take into account possible questions from the Steering Committee. The project team will use its established relations with Member States, operators and related transport projects to develop consensus between the traditional tolling countries and the new countries which have a number of different requirements for their national systems and to encourage a genuine commitment to cross border interoperability. The projects concerned are essentially DELTA from the European Commission's Directorate General for Information Society (DG INFSO) as a follow-up of A1, and the DG Energy and Transport TEN-Transport projects CESARE and VIKING. Progress will be reported in working papers and in presentations to the Steering Committee at the second, third and fourth meetings following the effective date of the contract and with a report at the end of the year.

The most important result expected from this process is agreement on a standard interoperable transaction including claimed v


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
European Comission, DG Information Society
Type of funding
Public (EU)


CARDME common payment application - concentrating on the building of consensus between operators on their requirements in matters such as data for vehicle classification. The transaction which was developed in the previous phase of the work and is now agreed in principle between CARDME and A1 must be refined in consultation with the operators and member states especially in co-operation with MANS and CESARE. It should be included in the final designs of the project DELTA. Agreement on a set of claimed vehicle characteristics is now an essential next stage with the possibility of a proposal for a standard.
Exploitation and Dissemination - there is growing interest in the results of CARDME. This task will ensure that the CARDME proposals, which have already been published, are widely disseminated in the European Community. It will promote discussion and facilitate the consensus process across related fields introducing new information as it becomes available from a number of sources and including summaries in several languages.
Technology developments - Main topics to be discussed will concern work with financial institutions on future use of credit cards over the dedicated short range communications (DSRC) link and the possibility of a European electronic purse. However, the team will manage to take into account possible questions from the Steering Committee.

Technical Implications

CARDME team is supporting cross-border interoperability of Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) systems. The intention is to reach agreement with the Member States on a set of claimed characteristics, which could form the basis for a future standard. Continuation of the work to determine the possibility of the use of credit cards via the communication link and the introduction of a European electronic purse suitable for EFC applications is foreseen. In this phase of the project the requirement for more extensive dissemination of information on interoperability particularly to those countries which have limited experience of EFC systems or who are not represented at the Steering Committee meetings will be addressed.

Policy implications

The project team will use its established relations with Member States, operators and related transport projects to develop consensus between the traditional tolling countries and the new countries which have a number of different requirements for their national systems and to encourage a genuine commitment to cross border interoperability. The projects concerned are essentially DELTA from DG INFSO as a follow-up of A1, and the DG Transport TEN-Transport projects CESARE and VIKING.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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