Minister of Transport and Communications Ketil Solvik-Olsen says “With an increase of the transport budget of more than four billion NOK the government is contributing to reducing unemployment, increasing competitiveness for trade & industry and bringing the nation ever closer together. The transport budget for 2018 is proof that the National Transport Plan is not simply an expression of ambition, but is a plan that the government is well on the way to keeping its promise to fulfil.
The main features and guidelines of the transport sector for the immediate future are incorporated in the National Transport Plan 2018-2029. During the course of the 12-year plan the government will invest 1 064 billion NOK in the modernisation of the nation’s infrastructure and the development of safe and efficient transport solutions.
Through the implementation of the NTP 2018-2029 the government will develop mobility solutions for the future and a safe and secure transport system, promote wealth creation and make all necessary preparations for the transition to a low-emission society.
The government proposes the allocation of approximately 2.5 billion NOK for measures and initiatives in the larger cities, an increase of 23 percent compared to the 2017 final budget. The funds will be used for incentive schemes for improvements in public transport, improvements to national highways, as well as for incentives and grants to major projects in public transport under urban environment agreements and urban growth agreements.