This project deals with exploring material and processing technology options for metallic and composite structural solutions, and the best way to meet the critical structural requirements.
The objective is to develop new integrated technology and design concepts for fixed leading edge structures, to achieve greater than 30% reduction in recurring manufacturing and assembly cost compared to the today's highly fabricated structure.
The project will explore material and processing technology options for both metallic and composite structural solutions that will result in preferred concepts that best meet the critical structural requirements which are defined in the project. A key requirement will be the cost and simplicity of manufacture. However structural performance, in service maintenance, systems access and environmental impact requirements will also feature in a concept and technology selection process.
The project aligns to the FP7 objectives defined in AAT.2008.4.1.2 (about highly integrated structures with optimum combination of metallic and composite materials) and AAT.2008.4.1.5 (about advanced manufacturing methods to reduce both recurring and non-recurring costs).
The project is subdivided into 5 operational working packages and one management work package, with organisation of WP's running from definition of requirements (WP1), technology development (WP2), concept design and development (WP3/WP4) and conclusions (WP5).
The project consortium is a well-balanced team of European Aerospace OEM's, all very capable of appropriately assessing and exploiting the competing technologies and design solutions.