Still almost 100% of goods transport within cities is done by motorised vehicles, ranging from personal cars to commercial lorries. Light goods are often transported over very short distances by heavy vehicles. Individuals often use their car in the same way, despite the fact that every second trip in urban areas is shorter than 5 km and therefore, could easily be done by bike.
Cyclelogistics Ahead builds on the success of CycleLogistics project. A baseline study carried out within the former project determined that there is a huge potential for cyclelogistics. On average 51% of all motorized trips in European cities that involve the transport of goods could be shifted to bicycles or cargo bikes. This would have an enormous impact on the concerned cities. Equally obvious are the benefits generated by such an achievement for municipalities, companies and the population at large:
- Less energy consumption and CO2 emissions
- Reduction in congestion, noise levels and pollution
- Increase in space for citizens
Three target groups are addressed.
- The transport sector: Experts from the Cyclelogistics Federation will deliver training workshops leading to: at least 100 start-up companies, the use of cargo and e-cargo bikes to enable them to handle increased loads so they can establish co-operations with international express courier companies, and innovative IT solutions to set up distribution centres.
- Municipalities: 110 start-ups will make authorities aware of zero emission logistics advantages. Participating municipalities will set up consolidation centres, implement low emission zones and parking restrictions to favour zero emission vehicles.
- Private and commercial end users will be made aware of their market shaping powers through a label that brands zero emission urban deliveries. The direct experience with cargo bikes as well as newly set up services will convince them: such services will be zero emission home deliveries from supermarkets, retailers and restaurants. E-commerce deliveries will be made more carbon efficient by providing end users with delivery boxes, collection points or locker banks for the case of failed deliveries.
- 110 cyclelogistics start-ups and 35 new local cooperation initiatives with international courier services will greatly increase the use of cargo bicycles and e–cargo e-bikes for goods transport in cities;
- Establishment of 50 pilot applications of zero emission home delivery services;
- Promotion of framework conditions supporting zero emission urban logistics by establishing 6 consolidation centres and introducing regulatory measures in at least 2 cities;
- Establish a zero emission logistics label;
- Transforming the Cyclelogistics Federation into an organisation that can sustain continuous growth of cyclelogistics beyond the end of the project.