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Electric Motor And Sensor design and manufacture

European Union
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Total project cost
€189 600
EU Contribution
€138 900
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Transport electrification (ELT)
Vehicle design and manufacturing (VDM)
Transport mode
Airborne icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues,
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Call for proposal
Link to CORDIS

EMAS proposed a technological research program enabling to develop, validate and manufacture eight actuators presenting high performance and high reliability for high speed applications under high temperature environment. Such actuators were capable of producing 5 N.m torque under 10.000 rpm for an environmental temperature of 100 C involving low short circuit current and will be supplied by sine wave power converters. They presented high power density and low mass by conveniently exploiting high energy - high temperature Neodymium alloy permanent magnet materials in conjunction with optimized motor topologies and high-speed sensor technologies.

The proposed methodology involved three stages devoted to the preliminary actuator design, to the critical actuator design and to the actuator manufacturing and testing activities, respectively.

Several technologies were evaluated at a high temperature level and, then, the best of these technologies will be improved before its integration in the final prototype. The research for motor concept involved a comparison of permanent magnet machine topologies: internal and surface permanent magnet machine topologies are going to be compared, by means of classical motor analysis and design procedures coupled with numerical magnetic field analysis and simulation software, for their ability to provide low short circuit current and produce sinusoidal flux distribution.

Moreover, optical and magnetic position sensors were compared both on their ability to provide sufficient details on motor position and speed in very low and high-speed ranges and their capacity to withstand the required temperature conditions. The criteria analysed for each candidate architecture were the integration density level (mass volume), the simplification of interfaces between subassembly, the thermal management performances, the ability for the technologies selected to fulfil any reliability objectives.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
European Commission
Type of funding
Public (EU)
Specific funding programme
JTI-CS - Joint Technology Initiatives - Clean Sky
Other Programme
JTI-CS-2009-1-SGO-02-010 Engine Thrust Reverser Actuation System (ETRAS) electric motor & resolver


Executive summary:

During the EMAS project, the main candidate electrical actuation technologies for high speed severe environment aerospace applications were developed, implemented and validated. The emerging motor and speed sensor designs, as well as the resulting system packaging concepts were thoroughly tested based on their electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical performance as well as their integration and expansion capabilities.

EMAS technological platform offered a panel of induction motor (IM) and permanent magnet motor (PMM) designs, both integrating emerging technologies, such as magnetic material with higher magnetic properties, optimised permanent magnet machine topology for low circuit current, high performance magnetic speed sensor and system packaging concept. These features are in accordance to the modular concept of the next generation, 'more-electric' aircraft and contribute significantly to the integration of compact electronic modules able to sustain high temperature severe environment, and compact and reliable permanent magnet - high-speed motors, with low short circuit current design.

The overall development of design and simulation software, directly related to the prototype manufacturing procedures, the implementation of specialised experimental test benches and the introduction of state of the art magnetic and insulation materials as well as speed sensor technology in the final actuators offered significant scientific and technical contribution, that updates the technological readiness level of smart electronic sensor and motor platforms destined to electric actuator preparation.


Lead Organisation
Anotato Ekpaideytiko Idrima Peiraia Technologikoy Tomea
Organisation website
EU Contribution
€138 900
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


Technology Theme
Aircraft design and manufacturing
Electric aircraft
Development phase
Technology Theme
Aircraft design and manufacturing
Electro-Mechanical Actuators (EMAs)
Development phase

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