Future aero engines will need to be more efficient and contribute to the reduction on environmental impact of air transportation. They must reach some standards of performance by reducing emissions and creating some savings on operation costs.
EIMG consortium has launched since several years some initiatives to develop future engines in the frame of the European Committee research programmes. Within different projects such as DREAM, VITAL, NEWAC or LEMCOTEC, EIMG is ensuring the development of innovative technologies in order to further reduce the fuel burn, emissions and noise.
In order to ensure the technological breakthrough, future aero-engines will have higher overall pressure ratios (OPR) to increase thermal efficiency and will have higher bypass ratios (BPR) to increase propulsive efficiency. These lead to smaller and hotter high pressure cores.
E-Break intends to develop enabling technologies for subsystems and components to make integration and operability of new engines come true. More specifically, E-BREAK will:
- Develop generic technologies for subsystems or components with special attention on Low Pressure parts
- Sealing technologies, higher temperature components including abradables, lighter components, robust subsystems, more variable geometries etc.
- Ensure that these high performance future core engine also guaranty a high level operability, availability and maintainability
- Robustness of material, reliability of subsystems etc.
The project is based on the following tasks:
- Engine Assessment
- Benefit of the technology insertion at the engine level
- Advanced Sealing systems
- Secondary Air system
- Oil system
- Engine variablity and thermomechanical behaviour
- Variables mechanical systems
- Tip clearance control
- Thermomechanical behaviour of main structures
- Higher temperature material for breakthrough components
- High temperature abradables
- High temperature static components materials
- Lightweight materials for breakthrough components
- TiAl intermetallic alloys
- Health monitoring
- Whole engine health monitoring system