The PJ 14 CNS aims to specify and develop the future Technologies coming from the Communication, Navigation and Surveillance domains in order to support and manage the Operational Services, like the 4D Trajectory Management, in the future ATM System.
Performance requirements for CNS systems are becoming increasingly complex and demanding and need to be considered as part of an integrated and holistic System of Systems, which includes air and ground CNS solutions considering convergence towards a common infrastructure, and a unified concept of operations, where possible.
In parallel, CNS systems and infrastructure for both airborne and ground must take a more business- and performance oriented approach with efficient use of resources delivering the required capability in a cost-effective and spectrum efficient manner.
All the activities performed in the PJ 14 CNS will be developed at European Level in order to avoid a fragmented approach and to ensure the interoperability as depicted in the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP). The CNS technologies support the GANP in terms of:
- Airport Operations
- Globally Interoperable System Data
- Optimum capacity and flexible flights
The PJ 14 aims to develop and improve solution, not already available, from the technological point of view to support the future ATM global system, according the timeframe addressed by the ATM Master Plan, mainly in:
- Surface Data Sharing to let a huge data exchange for an effective and efficient airport operations and awareness
- New Data Communications infrastructure to reduce the ATCo Workload avoiding misunderstandings and improve the efficiency
- Collaborative Air Traffic Management to support the ATCos, pilots, airport operators to improve the situation awareness
- Optimisation of Capacity, Flexible Use of Airspace and Turn-around operations to avoid congestion in ATM domain
In the PJ14 all the main stakeholders are involved to ensure that all the operational needs are well considered.