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Hybrid laminates. Industrialization for aircraft nose fuselage

European Union
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Total project cost
€288 483
EU Contribution
€216 362
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Vehicle design and manufacturing (VDM)
Transport mode
Airborne icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues,
Environmental/Emissions aspects
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Call for proposal
Link to CORDIS

The use of composites materials for aircraft design allows integrating other different materials with non-structural functions thanks to the layered structure. This layered structure offers the opportunity to embed damping interleaves in the CFRP laminate to improve the vibroacoustic damping behaviour of the structure. These multifunctional structures will result in hybrid configurations which combine traditional CFRP laminate with other materials such as rubbers or nanoparticles.

Therefore, hybrid configurations need to be developed and compared with current structural solutions to quantify their improvement in terms of weight savings or functionality improvement. This proposal planned to manufacture curved (hybrid skin) panels stiffened with twisted stringers of different shape section by co-curing in female curing tool in one-shot process. Curved panels manufactured were representative of the structure that conforms the nose fuselage stiffened skin.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
European Commission
Type of funding
Public (EU)
Specific funding programme
JTI-CS - Joint Technology Initiatives - Clean Sky
Other Programme
JTI-CS-2011-3-GRA-01-039 Hybrid laminates Industrialization for a/c nose fuselage/cockpit


Executive Summary:

HYBRIA Project entitled “Hybrid laminates. Industrialization for aircraft nose fuselage.” is a FP7 project of 24 months, which has begun on March 2012, the 15th and has ended on March 2014, the 14th. The project is related to the CfP of Clean Sky: SP1- JTI-CS-2011-03 and it is being developed in the frame of the Green Regional Aircraft programme with activity code: JTI-CS-2011-03-GRA-01-039. HYBRIA consortium is composed of only one single partner; FIDAMC, whose facilities are located in Getafe (Spain).

The use of layered composites in aircraft fuselage structural components offers the opportunity to embed interleaved layers of different materials in the skin laminates so that additional performances may be added while maintaining the structural efficiency. The presence of layers of damping materials inside the composite laminate normally results in an important reduction of mechanical properties. The goal is to design composite laminates with integrated acoustic insulation without compromising the mechanical performance of the composite structure.

After the materials screening/selection and architectures/mechanical studies carried out within the former COMPASS project, the aim of HYBRIA project was to develop hybrid structures by means of industrial manufacturing processes. During the project, three curved stiffened panels representative of the GRA cockpit fuselage were produced: hybrid skin fuselage with co-cured stringers of different shape section. Several manufacturing trials were carried out during the production of the demonstrators with the intention to validate innovative manufacturing concepts that will be implemented in the whole GRA cockpit production. NDT as well as dimensional analysis of the demonstrators were performed in order to assess the quality of the specimens produced.

HYBRIA Project supports the development of a strong European expertise in both innovative materials development and composites materials process which propels European citizens at the edge of innovation and expertise in these fields: this will guarantee to maintain high added value parts manufactured in Europe, ensuring an effective competitiveness.


Lead Organisation
Fundacion Para La Investigacion, Desarrollo Y Aplicacion De Materiales Compuestos
Avda Rita Levi Montalcini (Tecnogetafe) 29, 28906 Getafe, Spain
Organisation website
EU Contribution
€216 362
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


Technology Theme
Composite materials
Composite fuselage sections
Development phase

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