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Improve road safety - complex development of activities for the police to increase traffic safety

Hungary Flag
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Geo-spatial type
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport policies


Background & Policy context

In the accident statistics the leading position has the inappropriate speed, braking the traffic regulations and   bad technical condition of the vehicles.

The project is in harmony with the transport policy programmes in force in Hungary and the European Union, as both the EU and the assessment of the national road safety action program pointed out, both to monitor compliance with the road traffic regulations in key reduce the number of road traffic deaths and injuries.


The objective of the project is to develop a unique, preventive ITS system that ensures particularly high efficiency in reducing the number of road accidents and increasing compliance with traffic rules.


During the project, the system will be continuously introduced, testing and get into operation.  


The system is designed to minimize the number of road accidents; moral improvement of transport, i.e. road rule-following behaviour encouraging; providing faster, safer, smoother traffic and improve access to the region.

The system's basic philosophy is reduce accidents to a minimum by observing traffic rules, road traffic accidents, fatal road traffic accidents and to ensure that the use of transport infrastructure "traffic" secure have continuity.

The project serves not only to the Police.  In the further development it is to build an automated system throughout the country, covering all - the road safety implications involved in the regional accessibility improving (e.g.: motorway management companies, transport companies, transport the development authority is available, trip frequency, etc.) for an open system that provides information to intervene in situations that require effective management.

Policy objectives

The crucial objective of the project is to enhance safety on roads in Hungary.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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