Transport security and accessibility are essential for a balanced and sustainable development of ASP. Due to current climatic trends, the vulnerability of transport infrastructure to natural hazards has increased. But the specific threats to transport infrastructure have not yet been tackled in a systematic joint effort.
Therefore, the goal of PARAmount is to improve risk management strategies for infrastructure protection by the adaptation of existing tools and practices to these special requirements. The project consortium is of cross-sectoral character: key actors from transport and natural hazards management are integrated as PPs and observers. Long-term practical implementation will be assured by the establishment of regional risk dialogue. This will improve risk awareness, quality of decisions and positive impacts of PARAmount measures.
The Mid-term conference was carried out in June with resulting papers and presentations. Directly afterwards, a workshop and field excursion was hosted in Cortina. Procedures for using modeling tools and improve hazard mapping as well as risk mapping were defined. For this also specific modeling workshops were organized. First hazard maps within test-bed areas were created, specifically related to rock-fall, snow avalanches and debris flows. Field data collection and analysis of measurements taken was carried out in some test-beds and provided input for hazard mapping. Evaluation of critical sections along rail according to the procedure defined (see above), both for some partner’s railways and road sections. Forecasting systems and early warning systems were designed on the basis of WP4 output and results of modeling workshops and test-bed specific hazard maps created. Outputs and results: http://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/running-projects/?tx_txrunningprojects_pi1[uid]=19&tx_txrunningprojects_pi1[view]=singleView