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Influences and interactions of the surface quality and the bearing capacity on the intrinsic value and the user value (VSS2004/713)

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This research has as a principal objective to bring bases to improve the differentiated taking into account of the various parameters of state at disposal in calculation of a value representative of the deficit of total value in term of need for maintenance. The relative importance of the various parameters and their sensitivity compared to the need for possible maintenance works will have to be studied. The systematic employed will have to also allow to apprehend in monetary form the immediate or future costs of maintenance works to be envisaged.

The final aim of this research is to allow by one or various methods to apprehend the optimal succession of measurements of maintenance from an economic point of view and to allow there, the determination of investment and action plan in the short or the long term.


The following steps will be provided during the project:

  • Analysis and synthesis of references cited in the schedule as research bases
  • Analysis and synthesis of possible relationships between the different available status indicators and their significance and importance to the choice of a particular measure of maintenance
  • Analysis of a state panel survey data recently made by ACSS and Infralab (about 1000 km of urban roads, cantonal roads and highways) to identify potential interactions and relationships between surface damage and lift
  • Analysis and proposals for the determination of generic values describing the road structures from a "heritage" (intrinsic value), an optical "Users and Security" (use value) and a "maintenance" optics
  • Analysis of medium and long-term monetary influences related to the choice of the type of maintenance measure.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Swiss Government: State Secretariat for Education and Research
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


Systematic action planning is a central and crucial process within the management of road maintenance. It demonstrates for a given observation period at what time which interventions for road maintenance are to be performed in order to attain the best cost-benefit ratio. The fundamentals for this planning and optimizing task have been compiled for Switzerland within the research package VSS 2004/710-716.

The close relations between the planning instruments – developed within individual research projects – could be worked out thanks to their integration into a research package. This enabled the optimized adjustment of the research results. The synthesis report of this research package demonstrates the main results of all individual research projects and their use for systematic action planning within the management of road maintenance.

Project 3 VSS 2004/713 “Influences and interactions of the surface quality and the bearing capacity on the intrinsic value and the user value” delivers an additional and new approach to quantify improvements to the bearing capacity of road surfaces regarding standard interventions for road maintenance.

Following the thin results of the initial bibliographical evaluation, the first phase of the individual research project 3 was dedicated to a reflexion about mechanisms of degradation and their visibility on the road surface during their phase of evolution. The potential interactions between the bearing capacity and the development of degradations were analyzed and described for each type of degradation according to SN 640’925. The field of influence of the various standardized degradations on the made up indices such as the user value and the intrinsic value was also analyzed.

In the second phase of the project we studied possible correlations between the individual groups of damages from the visual surveying and the bearing capacity, this by taking account of the five classes of heavy traffic. The data used for this purpose came mainly from the agglomeration road network of the city and the canton of Geneva (without motorways). The complete data records of the measuring campaigns 1995 and 2005 were used. In accordance with the theoretical evaluations, no significant correlation between the bearing capacity and the single indices IA1 to IA5 of the visual surveying evaluation could be highlighted. We have just noted a slight improvement of the coefficient of correlation for the single index IA2 in parallel with the increa

Other results

Various methods to apprehend the optimal succession of measurements of maintenance.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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