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Information technologies in future transport economy (SVI2009/005)

Switzerland Flag
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Infrastructure Node
Project website
STRIA Roadmaps
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues
Transport sectors
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

The project is designed as a subtask within the research package “Strategies for the adequate operation of transportation in the Swiss freight transport sector”. The consistent application of modern communication and information technologies is the basis for maximising the available improvement potentials in freight transport. This applies mainly to the intra-corporate and company-wide process chains as well as to efficient infrastructural management.

Given this context, the project concept is designed based on a circular model with three levels:

  • Infrastructural management
  • Process chain operation
  • Intra-corporate planning and implementation

Feedback between all levels allows for a two-way usage of the data obtained at each level as well as the deduced information. In doing so, special focus is on the separation of internal data and generally used data.

Seven work packages are the basis for the design of an information system that combines infrastructural management and process chain formation in an optimized form. The system covers all carriers regarding road traffic, rail traffic, inland water transportation and air transportation.

Based on a detailed situation analysis of the current implemented (partial) systems and the conceivable trends in information technology, the systems’ benefits are calculated and monetarily evaluated. The potential for optimization is calculated and compared to further development tendencies in information technology. The variances of the benefits are determined in order to estimate their scope and are also a part of the evaluation. The development of merging strategies provides information about the expected project periods and, if needed, supporting measures.


The goal of this research project is to analyse possibilities of applying communication and information technologies in Switzerland; furthermore recommended actions will be derived from the findings. Future development trends in the IT sector will be described and their potential for optimisation, especially for the freight transport sector, will be identified. Merged strategies describe time flows for the implementation of these actions.

At the same time, the focus of the project is on optimising of the internal and overall process chains as well as the efficient infrastructural management.

This project is part of the overall research concept regarding the adequate operation of transportation in the Swiss freight transport sector.


The project is based on a comprehensive national and international literature survey - to determine priorities. The results are systematically sorted, processed and presented both to the target level and by type of transport. Furthermore, a study of the IT market is prepared according to the same criteria.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Swiss Government: State Secretariat for Education and Research
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


Key results are concrete outcomes and recommendations for action in terms of possible applications and trends in communication and information technologies for process optimisation and infrastructure management in different kinds of freight trransport in Switzerland.
Moreover it appears that developments can be expected in the future in the field of IT as differentiated specific benefits of information technology on:

  • Infrastructure Management
  • Process Chain
  • Corporate Affairs


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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