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Integrated 4D driver modelling under uncertainty

European Union
Geo-spatial type
Total project cost
€6 766 959
EU Contribution
€6 766 959
Project website
Project Acronym


Call for proposal
Link to CORDIS

The vision of i4Driving is to lay the foundation for a new industry-standard methodology to establish a credible and realistic human road safety baseline for virtual assessment of CCAM systems. The two central ideas we propose are (1) a multi-level, modular and extendable simulation library that combines existing and new models for human driving behavior; in combination with (2) an innovative cross-disciplinary methodology to account for the huge uncertainty in both human behaviors and use case circumstances. This rigorous treatment of the uncertainty is crucial to assess how much of our confidence in model inputs, parameters, and structure is justified. It also makes explicit how experts from different disciplines judge the outcomes and how justified the underlying assumptions really are. Our consortium combines all the expertise needed to develop this methodology (e.g., traffic engineering, human factors, data & computer science). We have the experimental means to gather the evidence beyond the state-of-art needed to realistically simulate (near) accidents in multi-driver scenarios (access to many data sources, advanced driving simulators, and field labs). We have a strong international network to collaborate with and harmonize our approach with academic and professional partners in e.g., the US (NADS facility); Australia (UQ advanced driving simulator and TRACSLab connected driving simulator facilities), China (Tongji Univ. 8-dof driving simulator and large-scale field lab) and Japan (NTSEL). Finally, we have all the relevant partners on-board to test and apply the methodology (Universities and research labs, OEMs and Tier 1, vehicle regulators, type-approval authorities, standardization institutes, insurance companies). i4Driving offers a proposition for the short and the longer term: a set of building blocks that pave the way for a driving license for AVs.


The EU-funded i4Driving project will develop a simulation library and methodology to account for the incredible uncertainty in both human behaviour and use case scenarios. It will lead to an industry-standard methodology for establishing a realistic human road safety baseline for the virtual assessment of CCAM systems via augmented reality.

i4Driving  covers the full performance spectrum of human drivers in critical driving simulations, to compare the safety performances of AVs and human-driven vehicles.
Two central ideas proposed are:

  1. a multi-level, modular and extendable simulation library that combines existing and new models for human driving behavior; in combination with
  2. an innovative cross-disciplinary methodology to account for the huge uncertainty in both human behaviors and use case circumstances.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
European Commission
Specific funding programme
HORIZON.2.5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.7 - Clean, Safe and Accessible Transport and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.8 - Smart Mobility
Other Programme
HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-01-03 Human behavioural model to assess the performance of CCAM solutions compared to human driven vehicles (CCAM Partnership)
Funding Source
Horizon Europe


Lead Organisation
Partner Organisations


Technology Theme
Connected and automated vehicles
Autonomous vehicle technologies
Development phase

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