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Integrated Radar, Flight Plan and Digital Video Data Fusion for SMGCS

European Union
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Network corridors
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Connected and automated transport (CAT)
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Airborne icon
Transport policies
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

INTERVUSE is a project funded by the EC to support a new direction in surface movement ground control system (SMGCS) solutions, which is cost-effective, innovative, and suitable to fill blind spots in the SMGCS technology developed so far. Air traffic management today faces two major bottlenecks in the capacity of manageable traffic load:

  1. Limited airspace usage caused by restricted airways and corridors instead of free flight
  2. Limited traffic throughput on ground caused by insufficient technical support with ground control systems.

For these reasons, the EC has sponsored a number of projects to improve European airspace and traffic management infrastructure and to increase worldwide competitiveness. 

  1. Provision of a low-cost solution for SMGCS by combination of radar tracking, flight plan processing and digital video processing (capable of integrating with SMR), which makes SMGCS affordable and thus available to a broader range of airports.
  2. Provision of a scalable package of VBED and VSDF to cover blind spots in a total SMGCS.
  3. Analysis of downgrading of digital video processing for various weather and light conditions with an online quality control and analysis module.
  4. Combination of new sensors (digital cameras) into multi-sensor data fusion for SMGCS.
  5. Combination of Discrete Kalman Filtering (DKF) - based tracking techniques with:

    - Video processing with virtual detectors

    - Event state vector extraction algorithms

    - Positioning techniques

    - State vector quality determination and error propagation

    - State vector accuracy/reliability probability estimation
  6. Provision of an intelligent tool / system solution to support safe transportation at airports.

The project was approched in different steps:

  • the development the system architecture and technical requirements and the overall system design for both test sites.

  • Software Development

  • Preparation of sites

  • Integration at site

  • Tests at site  


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
European Comission, DG Information Society
Type of funding
Public (EU)


The project results indicate that INTERVUSE technology can achieve most of the performance requirements of a Surface Movement Radar (SMR). Specifically, the strengths of the system are:

  • No radiation
  • Lower cost
  • Provision of video
  • Higher update rate

Technical Implications

Video cameras can provide a useful contribution to airport surveillance and that the technology developed in INTERVUSE project has the potential to be a gap-filler to complement Surface Movement Radar (SMR).


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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