The research aimed at drawing lines of actions for public policies to foster sustainable mobility in and around Brussels. In so doing, it has translated in practical terms the abstract concept of sustainable development in the field of mobility.
The project developed a panoply of legal mechanisms that could help institute what could be qualified as 'sustainable' mobility in and around Brussels, in the following fields:
- tax policies
- public transport policies
- land planning.
Given their trans-regional perspective, these remedies can give priority to mechanisms of cooperation and dialogue among the various powers concerned.
For each of the research fields (tax policies, public transport policies, land planning), the methodology can be summarized as follows:
- inventory and study of the existing knowledge in the various research fields;
- thorough study of the competences and fields of action of each relevant authority;
- drafting of proposals about measures that could be adopted by each of the relevant authorities to promote sustainable mobility;
- study of the legal mechanisms available to coordinate the relevant authorities' actions;
- drafting of proposals to improve or step up the coordination and consultation mechanisms between the relevant authorities, to promote sustainable mobility.
- Analysis of how tax policies could be used to reduce transport problems in Brussels;
- Analysis of how cooperaton amongst 4 involved authorities in Brussel could contribute to more sustainable solutions for public transport;
- Analysis of the mechanisms in the 3 regions concerning land planning.
Policy implications
Through a deeper knowledge of the legal systems, decision makers have received additional imput in favour of more sustainable mobility paths.
The research concerned legal remedies to solve mobility problems encountered by people wishing to move about in and around Brussels (a.o. parking problems)
The study tackles urban problems of mobility and offers solutions fro lnland planning and tax policies
The study offers measures to improve the efficiency of public transport, tax policy and land planning and offers an overviw of legal mechanisms available to coordinate the relevant autorities' actions.
User aspects
the research proposes legal measures to foster people's mobility in Brussels
Decision-support tools
The aim of the study is to produce a tool for decision makers to expand sustaibnable mobility of people and freight in the city
Land-use planning
The study proposes mechanisms for each of the belgian regions to get them compare each other's policy choices with regard to physical mobility and land-use plans