Along Paris TEN-T Urban Node, the Action is a pilot project whose objective is to enforce the policy of Ile-de-France Sustainable Mobility Authority (Syndicat des Transports d’Ile-de-France, STIF) for supporting multimodal traffic regulation and optimising road and public transport traffic management.
Activities will rely on various data sets (real-time, predictive data) using big data tools and contributing to the open data process. They will also rely on various tools to help users to choose the most appropriate transport mode. These tools are developed by private stakeholders and gathered by a unique traveller information service, which will enrich Ile de France mobility data portal in order to build the biggest mobility data in the world.
The following services are expected:
• Predictive multimodal navigator integrating dynamic carpooling and interconnection between personal devices and in-car system;
• Urban Mobility advisor tool to help passengers in choosing the most convenient mode;
• Mobility assessment tools to assess passengers and freight mobility public policies;
• Transport network operation services to increase the efficiency of public transport management.