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MethOds and tools for comprehensive impact Assessment of the CCAM solutions for passengers and goods

European Union
Geo-spatial type
Infrastructure Node
Total project cost
€2 577 344
EU Contribution
€2 577 344
Project website
Project Acronym
STRIA Roadmaps
Connected and automated transport (CAT)
Transport mode
Multimodal icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues
Transport sectors
Freight transport,
Passenger transport


Call for proposal
Link to CORDIS
Background & Policy context

In the future, vehicles will interact directly with each other and with the transport infrastructure. However, little is known about the potential impact and implications of integrating cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM) solutions. The EU-funded Move2CCAM project will examine the impact of CCAM passenger and freight solutions and define use cases, business models and key performance indicators by engaging in co-creation actions with a network of actors across the entire CCAM ecosystem. It will also create an impact assessment tool to evaluate the effect of CCAM interventions on mobility, society, the economy, public health and the environment.


Mobility is crossing a new digital frontier in terms of connectivity, allowing vehicles to communicate to each other, to the infrastructure and to other transport systems users. However, the potential implications and impacts of integration of CCAM solutions into the mobility system are not well understood neither for specific actors nor for the systems level. MOVE2CCAM will: i) explore the impact of CCAM passenger and freight solutions; define use cases, business models and KPIs through co-creation activities with the “Satellites”, and ii) develop a practical system dynamics-based impact assessment tool that will enable the evaluation of CCAM interventions’ impact on mobility-, socio-economic-, public health- and environmental-related aspects considering diverse European region specifics and different actors’ needs, objectives and perceptions. The Satellites is a multi-systems network of actors across the whole CCAM ecosystem consisting of industries, authorities, researchers citizens, and orbits around the project by participating in a series of co-creation activities. Case studies for different types of organisations, dialogues, social simulation experiments, virtual reality games, and AV demonstrations take place in 8 European countries and at a pan-European level to collect data and specify the multi-systems impacts of CCAMs. The impact assessment tool will allow stakeholders to test and evaluate the system-wide impacts of CCAM interventions along with a range of complementary policies providing also a series of KPIs (within the project it is applied for Helmond(NL), GZM(PL), and Aegean Islands(GR). Given these activities, MOVE2CCAM significantly contributes to a well-founded understanding of the impacts of CCAMs. It will deliver impact evaluation frameworks and tools with KPIs covering sectors such as society, economy, and the environment; policy recommendations for CCAM partnerships and large-scale demonstrations; and recommendations for SUMP.


The Satellites is a multi-systems network of actors across the whole CCAM ecosystem consisting of industries, authorities, researchers citizens, and orbits around the project by participating in a series of co-creation activities. Case studies for different types of organisations, dialogues, social simulation experiments, virtual reality games, and AV demonstrations take place in 8 European countries and at a pan-European level to collect data and specify the multi-systems impacts of CCAMs. The impact assessment tool will allow stakeholders to test and evaluate the system-wide impacts of CCAM interventions along with a range of complementary policies providing also a series of KPIs (within the project it is applied for Helmond(NL), GZM(PL), and Aegean Islands(GR). Given these activities, MOVE2CCAM significantly contributes to a well-founded understanding of the impacts of CCAMs. It will deliver impact evaluation frameworks and tools with KPIs covering sectors such as society, economy, and the environment; policy recommendations for CCAM partnerships and large-scale demonstrations; and recommendations for SUMP.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
European Commission
Specific funding programme
HORIZON.2.5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.7 - Clean, Safe and Accessible Transport and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.8 - Smart Mobility
Other Programme
HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-05 Analysis of socio-economic and environmental impacts and assessment of societal, citizen and user aspects for needs based CCAM solutions (CCAM Partnership)
Funding Source
Horizon Europe


Lead Organisation
Partner Organisations


Technology Theme
Connected and automated vehicles
Field testing for autonomous and connected vehicles
Development phase
Demonstration/prototyping/Pilot Production

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