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Performance evaluation of new materials by accelerated pavement testing; Part 1: High modulus bituminous mixtures (VSS1996/035)

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The main objectives of the project are:

  1. Assessment of the mechanical performances of high modulus bituminous mixtures;
  2. Short and long term follow up of their behavior under different loadings;
  3. Setup of the bases for a new standard (mix design, use, pavement design).

Further objectives of the projects are the following:

  • Assessment of the performance and the behavior of pavement with high modulus bituminous subbase layer.
  • Assessment of the mechanical behavior and of the rutting susceptibility at a wide range of temperatures and under different loadings with a full-scale accelerated loading facility.
  • Development of bases for mixture design, quality control and laying of such high performance materials.
  • Propositions for the development of a standard dedicated to these high performance materials, as well as recommendations for the design of new and reinforced pavement with high modulus bituminous mixtures in subbase layer.

Laboratory testing were used to assess the mechanical behaviour of materials at high modulus, in particular with regards to rutting behaviour. The full-scale tests have proved to be particularly useful both to validate the results of modelling calculations and to investigate the behaviour in long term resistance to rutting. The report also provided the elements necessary for the standardisation of asphalt high modulus, both as regards to their wording and their use in standards for sizing or strengthening of asphalt pavements.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Swiss Government: State Secretariat for Education and Research
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


Research has allowed to establish recommendations aimed at establishing the necessary rules for the formulation of high modulus asphalt providing specific mechanical performance, in this case a good resistance to rutting or fatigue. For the use of these materials in the design, coefficients of equivalence were calculated on the basis of the assessment of resistance to fatigue of the mixtures.

Technical Implications

Research has established recommendations for the formulation of coated modulus providing particular mechanical performance, namely good resistance to rutting or fatigue.

For use of these materials in the design, equivalence coefficients were calculated on the basis of the evaluation of the fatigue strength of the blends.

Other results


  • Report VSS No. 1000, December 2001
  • BCRA 2002, 6th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields Workshop 2 Proceedings


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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