The strategic project "3i plus" promotes the accessibility of local areas affected by the traffic service for inter-modal transport of all persons (citizens / general users), the real-time management of information and mobility services. The information infrastructure in the project will encompass the entire area covered by the OP Italy-France "Maritime" 2007-2013. There will also be project-specific actions for the most innovative design asset.
The project aims to establish cooperation in the information infrastructure for mobility, which facilitates the movement of people into a strong rationale for integration and intermodality; the user who wants to move within the area of cooperation is assisted in:
- The planning stage of the journey through the development of a travel planner usable mode multidevice.
- During the move, being able to receive real-time information on traffic and circulation city.
- Once you get home, using information provided by location-based services, which enable the achievement of strategic points (parking, interchange hubs etc. ..).
The user can then move into the co-operation area by reducing travel time and unnecessary movement. The final recipient of the project is the citizen who, for reasons of work, holiday or other, has to travel and move into the cooperation area, without discrimination and contrasting differences.