In recent years, Public Transport policies have developed many different services for citizens, such as “infomobility”, which provides travellers with information on the Public Transport services available in their location. However, not all EU regions make use of the same services, which makes it difficult to spread its use at different geographic levels. In this context, POLITE aims to enhance the use of Public Transport by increasing the awareness of infomobility services, providing travellers with adequate and complete information on the choices available
POLITE partners work together in the exchange and transfer of experiences and improvement of policies, knowledge & good practices on infomobility services in their regions, with the goal of improving their public transport information systems. In addition, POLITE plans to establish links with other experienced regions from outside the partnership, offering support for bilateral exchange on selected infomobility topics.
The POLITE partnership approaches the issue of traveller information systems in a holistic and innovative way as it targets the relationships between the information needed by travellers at different territorial levels, to serve as an input to the definition of public policies in a perspective which enables interoperability among information systems and a consequent increase of Public Transport attractiveness.