This study outlines a method for measuring the productivity of railway companies in Switzerland. Railway companies must continuously increase productivity in the long term period in order to remain competitive in a business environment. The complexity of a railway transport system and the variety of interests connected with the railway transport system within the specific situation of the railway company are not appropriately reflected in just one single productivity indicator.
The objective of the study is to formulate useful indicators for ongoing measurement of productivity growth and for internal and external benchmarking, incorporating the specific differences in production conditions for railway companies studied.
The study creates a network (system) of different indicators which establish data sets for specific questions about the development of overall productivity of the railway companies in Switzerland as well as the factors influencing that development.
A system of indicators for assessment of productivity of the railway companies in Switzerland.
Innovation aspects
A new indicators assessing the productivity of the railway companies.
Policy implications
A new assessment tool for assessing the productivity of the railway companies in order to increase their competitiveness.