For all generations, unrestricted individual mobility is crucial for social exchange and participation. A self-determined life in old age therefore requires support in coping with distances.
The project SIMBA aims to increase the mobility of elderly people by facilitating access to and use of mobility structures in line with their needs. Close coordination with future users is particularly important to the project; accordingly, they are regularly involved, for example, in the specification of requirements or the evaluation of the developed service modules.
To achieve this goal, an assistance and information system is being developed on the basis of existing information systems. This supports independent navigation in barrier-free routes outside your own home, depending on the degree of individual restrictions, by means of an intelligent combination of information, positioning and communication.
Routes in the existing infrastructure, which are travelled on foot, by taxi or public transport, will be concentrated. The assistance system is made available via a mobile device, which provides up-to-date information at home and when travelling. Including the user group, environmental data is recorded and an easy-to-use and easy to understand visualization of the data is implemented.