Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) technologies and systems must prove safe and reliable in every possible driving scenario. However, this remains a significant challenge because the validation of these systems for higher levels of automation by real test-driving is not possible by conventional methods. Additionally, certification initiatives worldwide struggle to define a harmonised approach for highly automated vehicles.
The EU-funded SUNRISE (Safety assUraNce fRamework for connected, automated mobIlity SystEms) project will develop and demonstrate a commonly accepted, extensible Safety Assurance Framework for the test and safety validation of a varied scope of CCAM systems based on HEADSTART and other initiatives. The project will identify the needs of heterogeneous CCAM use cases and define a scenario-based database framework. Building from HEADSTART and other initiatives, SUNRISE will develop and demonstrate a commonly accepted, extensible Safety Assurance Framework for the test and safety validation of a varied scope of CCAM systems. This will be achieved by:
- bringing the needs of heterogeneous CCAM use cases;
- defining a scenario-based database framework that will broaden the HEADSTART methodology;
- holistically addressing the CCAM test scenario generation;
- preparing the required tools for comprehensive testing (virtual and physical), taking into account robustness, scalability, interoperability, quality and standardization;
- integrating functional safety and cybersecurity; 6)involving the use cases from the initial stages, acting as a guiding principle within the project.
The project will define, implement and demonstrate the building blocks of this Safety Assurance Framework: harmonized and scalable safety assessment methodologies, procedures and metrics taylored for use cases, a federated European Scenario Database framework and its necessary data interfaces, a commonly agreed simulation framework including tools and interfaces. SUNRISE will work closely with CCAM stakeholders as policy makers, regulators, consumer testing, user associations and all relevant stakeholders.