For all generations, unrestricted individual mobility is crucial for social exchange and participation. A self-determined life in old age therefore requires support in coping with distances.
The aim of the namo project is to develop a flexible and uncomplicated travel assistance system for elderly people. The system combines innovative traffic information services with existing services and ICT products available on the market. In the sense of a travel assistant, it is used for travel planning and as a competent "electronic travel companion" on the way. The focus is on target-group-oriented information about integrated and accessible travel chains from door to door. In order to promote seamless mobility, public transport mobility services are linked to those of private transport. The information services to be implemented take into account the mobility chains of everyday mobility as well as leisure mobility.
The new services to be developed are based on already existing offers and will be supplemented with further components for specific target groups. These components range from pedestrian routing, navigation and information on services and cultural offerings to information and service offerings for orientation and management of the transfer situation.