The SECTRONIC initiative addressed observation and protection of critical maritime infrastructures; Passenger and goods transport, Energy supply, and Port infrastructures. All accessible means of observation (offshore, onshore, air, space) of those infrastructures are exchanged via an onshore control centre.
The end-users themselves (or permitted third-parties) can access a composite of infrastructure observations in real-time. The end-users will be able to shield the infrastructure by protective means in the scenario of a security concerned situation. The proposed system is a 24h small area surveillance system that is designed to be used on any ship, platform, container/oil/gas terminal or harbour.
The overall objective of the SECTRONIC research project was to develop an integrated system for the ultimate security of maritime infrastructures covering ports, passenger-transport and energy supply against being damaged, destroyed or disrupted by deliberate acts of terrorism, natural disasters, negligence, accidents or computer hacking, criminal activity and malicious behaviour. The project aimed to develop an integrated security system that:
- Accurately observes, characterises and tracks any object of significance, 360 degrees around an infrastructure, 24h a day in all weather conditions by means of:
- Near range equipment
- Far range equipment
- Communicates security information of significance to the infrastructure authorities (sea masters, operation control managers, etc.) and to selected authorised third parties of importance for the overall security situation (port authorities, coast guards, etc.) in real time
- Aggregates, reports and displays any security-related information of significance in an intuitively understandable way. Reliably raises alarms in identified situations.
- Enables response procedures and actions to be undertaken in situations that require effective use of protective measures.
- Demonstrates system effectiveness in real maritime infrastructures.
SECTRONIC brought together 12 partners. The project was coordinated by MARSS (Marine & Remote Sensing Solutions) from the United Kingdom.
The project resulted in the development and launching of new and revolutionary 'Command & Control Security System', named NIDAR.
NIDAR in a Nutshell:
The Nidar Command & Control Security System, developed with the support of the European Commission, is dedicated to protect maritime and land based assets by automatically creating an intuitive situational awareness picture for detecting, tracking, classifying and deterring security threats. Alarms are raised automatically and, optional, with a touch on the screen warning devices such as surface loudhailers and laser dazzlers can be activated.
Nidar's anomaly detector analyses each contact to evaluate risk and instantly raises an alarm when suspicious behaviour has been detected. By providing critical information and live video of the suspicious target it enables users to make the right decision when time counts. Based on its modular architecture, Nidar is fully scalable to meet the security needs of coastal infrastructures (ports, power plants, navy bases), offshore assets (rigs, ships, yachts) and wide area land and border protection. See www.marss.mc/nidar for further detail.
Since 2011, Nidar's track record includes protection of heads of states and the 2012 Olympic Games.
Innovation aspects
Its anomaly detection method is novel.
Strategy targets
Innovating for the future (technology and behaviour): A European Transport Research and Innovation Policy